Tuesday, February 10, 2009

School Confusion

So today I sat down to look up some information on the school Vinny will be attending for kindergarten. Boy was I in for a surprise. The school is VERY small, which I already new since you can barely even see it from the road that it is right next to. The grade range is K-3. Then he will go to another school that is only grades 4-5. THEN, he will go to middle school which is grades 6-8, then high school for 9-12. I went to MANY MANY schools as a child because we moved a lot. But even if we stay in the same place for his entire "school career" that is still 4 different schools. And his middle school, which is a few years from now, I still don't even know where that is. I just know he gets on a bus and goes away to it. To me it is just weird the way they split up the elementary schools. There are rumors of a new high school being built so maybe it will all change once it is done, but i haven't heard much else about it. Hopefully once I throw myself into the PTA, bakesales, book fairs, and countless (I'm sure) parent teacher conferences, I will figure out how all this makes sense.

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