Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Zavion, Zavion, Zavion

Since the day he was born, Zavion has looked exactly like Justin. He has the same personality as Justin, with a few tantrums here and there. He is also a problem solver like Justin, as well as an easy going kid like Justin. But when it comes to his immune system he is EXACTLY like his mother. He is always sick with something. Even if it's just a rash or the sniffles he seems to always have something. Today it's some sort of virus. It started as a runny nose, which led to a cough. This morning sometime around 1am he woke up with a low grade fever. Medicine is not something he enjoys, so much so that he throws up from being so upset of having to take it. So to avoid that we put it in his drink, which he then won't drink. He has only slept for about two hours total today and is now breathing weird. I hate to call his doctor because it seems like we are always there. Ok it doesn't seem like that it really is that. I think we see Dr. Parker more than we see each other.

I made a little bed on the couch for him with his Elmo and Cookie Monster blankets so he could watch cartoons and just rest comfortably. He has stayed on the couch all day watching his "stories". We are waiting for Justin and Vinny to get home so he can feel better and hopefully have some soup for dinner since he hasn't eaten all day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We're Free

Last night we took advantage of my mom's AWESOME offer. My stepdad was working out of town this weekend so she offered to take both boys for a sleepover at her house. I was quite shocked but very excited about the opportunity. So we packed up the kids and got semi dressed up and went out to a nice yummie dinner with no children. I sort of forgot how to eat hot food with no children around but I think I managed pretty well. We agreed on Shoguns because I love the rice and Justin loves sushi. As much as I missed the kids I did enjoy spending time with Justin alone and having an adult conversation. Granted we talked mostly about the children it was nice to do that without being interrupted by them. We had a nice dinner and didn't have much of a wait considering that is was local Prom Night. (i liked seeing all the pretty dresses.) We picked the boys up early this morning and are going to spend the day inside where it is warm and clean the house, something Zavion actually likes to do.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The boys this month

Vinny has found a new love...books. He discovered a series called Magic Tree House books: by Mary Pope Osborne. They are around ten chapters each and we read one chapter each night before bed, sometimes two if he's really good. They even have the books on cd so he can listen to them on his cd player. He recently started building THEE magic tree house that is the main part of the books with my parents. My dad's sister has gotten in on his new obsession and is sending him a bunch of the books from the series that were extras from her classroom.

We recently had a bad spat of weather that greatly benefitted Zavion. He loves nothing more than to be a boy and be dirty. Our back yard tends to flood and where the grass doesn't grow turns to mudd with a single drop of water. Zavion recently found that nice large mudd puddle and decided that was the perfect opportunity for him so he went for it. It turned into his third bath of the day, followed by a fourth bath.

Aidric always gets very excited when he gets put in his high chair with a bib on it. He discovered that food is the greatest invention since the bottle. That boy LOVES to eat. We started with fruits and quickly found that all his favorite foods are all the things the older boys hated. We also found out that green beans are the most boring food in the universe.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dr. Parker and the Dr. Long's

Today the boys went for a 6 month and two year check up. Here are their reports:

Aidric went for his 6 month check up. He was 20lbs and 27in long. He recieved two shots in his left leg and one in his right and got topped off with three neon orange bandaids. Dr. Parker would like to him doing better physically and was surprised that his physical therapy was only every two months when he was thinking it should have been every week. He said to give it another three months and if he's not better by his next check up he will reccomend him for physical therapy more often. Other than that he is all healthy and off his medicine and growing well.

Zavion also recieved two shots today and a lead test that went FAR from well. He took the first bandaid off his pricked finger and bled EVERYWHERE. Luckily I had a white shirt on to absorb most of the blood as did my jeans and his scrubs (they like to wear their matching scrubs to the doctors). We were more succussful with the second bandaid as it made it all the way to the car and down the road a little bit. Everything else turned out fine. He does want to see him back in 6 months to keep an eye on his speech and make sure he doesn't need to have any type of speech therapy. Other than that he is normal healthy and loud and happy.

After two hours of fun at the pediatricians (most of which was spent picking out a sticker) we wrapped up, grabbed a Happy Meal, and headed home. Tomorrow I get a an hour or two to myself and head to my own doctors to seek treatment for neverending headaches.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Order Up

Today I started to make my little bakery menu. I am hoping to end up with a pretty big list of things for people to enjoy, but everyone has to start off small. So far my brownies win over everyone, which makes me happy. I am going to also add several different cookies, as well as a few different variations of cheesecakes. I am hoping to work up to adding pies, maybe cakes, and maybe some other little here and theres. My prices will be pretty cheap since they aren't world famous (...yet...) and also so people will be more willing to buy more often. I don't have a name for my little business yet but I am sure it will come to me last minute, most of my best ideas do.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reruns and Homeruns

Twice a year there is a big sale at the mall called "Reruns Are Fun". It is held at the mall in the old department store that is no more. It is a GIANT resale of kids clothes, toys, furniture and anything else you can think of that a kid would need. Anyone can bring "in good condition" clothes and nothing will be sold for more than $3.00. You get a small portion back from everything you sell. I went last year but didn't find anything. I was very excited to learn that this year they are "test driving" a new event called "Homeruns". You can bring in your household items (couches, tables, chairs, curtains, wall decor, etc.) to be sold at an extremely discounted price. We have recently starting rearranging our house and while we don't really need anything you really never know what you will find.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Physical Therapy

Two months ago Aidric went for his first physical therapy appointment. Tomorrow he goes for his second. There are three physical therapists and they have an extra large "bed" that they sit on with him to see what he can do and if he is where he should be for his age. That includes factoring in that he was a month early.

Out of all the doctors appointments and errends I run throughout the days and weeks, this is by far my favorite. It is a super large room and there are tons of balls and mirrors and other walking toys for Zavion to play with while they work with Aidric and talk to me. It's easy to keep an eye on him and he loves the secretary that comes in and plays with him. I hope all goes well and that he is physically where he is supposed to be.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Am Not Losing My Mind

Lately things have seemed very crazy around our house. No one really sleeps more than four hours at a time, with the exception of Vinny who will sleep through anything. Getting anyone to eat anything is a task in and of itself, and my cooking is not that bad. Everyone has had some sort of accident or illness whether it be a temporary tummy ache, a cut, or a bruise from falling down or walking into something. I am beginning to think all of this is causing me to lose my mind. I recently started misplacing EVERYTHING (except children thank god). I have attempted many times to set things down on the kitchen counter, only to turn around and not find it.

One day after grocery shopping I made Zavion a bottle while Justin brought all the bags in. I took the top off and put the cereal in while the milk was in the microwave warming up. I was all set to put the top on, shake it up, and let Zavion watch tv with his bottle while we put away the groceries. Sounds pretty simple untill I realized I couldn't find the top. My first thought was that Zavion had taken it in the living room to play with it while I wasn't looking. No such luck. We moved all the bags up and down, left and right, no bottle cap. We did this several times even checking the sink and dishwasher, and the living room several more times. No bottle cap. We finally gave up and just got a clean one out and called it good; it would turn up eventually. It finally did a few days later when I picked up the bag that had two bags of potato chips in it for Zavion's party. There it was just sitting there waiting to be found.

This morning something similar happend. By routine, I woke up with the kids, made Aidric a bottle, made Zavion his breakfast so he could eat and watch Elmo. I poured myself a bowl of the yummiest Cinnamon Toast Crunch since yesterday morning, and proceeded to the living room to watch Elmo with Zavion and Aidric. Aidric's bottle was nowhere to be found. I looked section by section on the counter to make sure I wasn't just blind without my glasses, no bottle. I came into the living room and asked Zavion if he had Aidric's bottle and he said "no". So I went back into the kitchen. Not even 30 seconds later I hear a little laugh and when I turned around Zavion was standing there with Aidric's bottle. Zavion has turned into quite the little prankster playing tricks on me and making me think I am crazy. So far I have not found one person other than myself that thinks this is NOT funny. :p

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Little Changes

I have a small garden flag under the tree out front. Its at an angle so it's easier to see as you are driving by or pulling into the driveway. I don't have a bunch of flags, just a few for some major holidays. My goal is to have LOTS of them. I am talking major holidays, smaller holidays, just because it's Tuesday and eventually customized flags for the boys birthdays.

I recently changed my flag, after having the "Happy Holidays" flag out through February. I decided since it was March I should put out my St. Patricks Day flag. It's a green flag with a white sheep wearing a hat and it says "Get Lucky!". Very simple. As I said I had not changed the flag in well over three months. Vinny arrived back at our house after two weeks with his father. The very first thing he said was "I like your new flag mom". After I thanked him I had to wonder why he always notices the little changes. I LOVE chaning my flag and having different ones out, but it's so small that pulling into the driveway it's not the first thing you would see. He seems to always notice it as well as every other little detail that changes while he's away.