Monday, March 9, 2009

I Am Not Losing My Mind

Lately things have seemed very crazy around our house. No one really sleeps more than four hours at a time, with the exception of Vinny who will sleep through anything. Getting anyone to eat anything is a task in and of itself, and my cooking is not that bad. Everyone has had some sort of accident or illness whether it be a temporary tummy ache, a cut, or a bruise from falling down or walking into something. I am beginning to think all of this is causing me to lose my mind. I recently started misplacing EVERYTHING (except children thank god). I have attempted many times to set things down on the kitchen counter, only to turn around and not find it.

One day after grocery shopping I made Zavion a bottle while Justin brought all the bags in. I took the top off and put the cereal in while the milk was in the microwave warming up. I was all set to put the top on, shake it up, and let Zavion watch tv with his bottle while we put away the groceries. Sounds pretty simple untill I realized I couldn't find the top. My first thought was that Zavion had taken it in the living room to play with it while I wasn't looking. No such luck. We moved all the bags up and down, left and right, no bottle cap. We did this several times even checking the sink and dishwasher, and the living room several more times. No bottle cap. We finally gave up and just got a clean one out and called it good; it would turn up eventually. It finally did a few days later when I picked up the bag that had two bags of potato chips in it for Zavion's party. There it was just sitting there waiting to be found.

This morning something similar happend. By routine, I woke up with the kids, made Aidric a bottle, made Zavion his breakfast so he could eat and watch Elmo. I poured myself a bowl of the yummiest Cinnamon Toast Crunch since yesterday morning, and proceeded to the living room to watch Elmo with Zavion and Aidric. Aidric's bottle was nowhere to be found. I looked section by section on the counter to make sure I wasn't just blind without my glasses, no bottle. I came into the living room and asked Zavion if he had Aidric's bottle and he said "no". So I went back into the kitchen. Not even 30 seconds later I hear a little laugh and when I turned around Zavion was standing there with Aidric's bottle. Zavion has turned into quite the little prankster playing tricks on me and making me think I am crazy. So far I have not found one person other than myself that thinks this is NOT funny. :p

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