Thursday, April 2, 2009


There is a reason I always keep an eye on my children...and NEVER let them go outside without me. Not even a mile down the road from our house a little girl was hit by a car crossing a very busy street by herself. Children do this all time as do adults to get to the little street corner hang out convenience store. It bugs me and Justin and I always say eventually someone will get hit. We were right and unfortunately it was a little girl. What irritates me the most is that the police called it "unavoidable". I am sorry but in my opinion this was COMPLETELY unavoidable. Her parents could have either been with her, or had everything they needed in the house so she didn't need to go to the store. People do frequently speed through that section but there are ALWAYS cops right there for that reason. The little girl is in critical condition at the hospital right now and I hope that she is ok and that the parents are somehow charged with child neglect because a little kid shouldn't be left alone much less allowed to cross a VERY busy street just a few yards away from one of the towns busiest intersections.

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